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Pigeon Control Experts and Long Term Pigeon Control

Pigeon Control Experts Weigh in on Effective Long-Term Solution

Feral pigeon populations can cause a variety of problems. With their rapid breeding habits, even a small flock of 100 pigeons can do quite a bit of damage to a commercial property. That relatively small population can leave behind over two tons of fecal matter annually.

Apart from this unsightly mess, feral pigeons can also lead to other problems like slips and falls. For facility managers and business owners, increased maintenance, and health risks to customers are an issue. And speaking of health risks, pigeons have been associated with the transmission of 60+ different diseases, including agents of the West Nile virus, Lyme disease, and salmonellosis.

The problem with pigeon relocation

One of the solutions local governments and facility managers often propose is relocation of pigeons.

In relocation, pigeons are lured into traps with one-way doors. The are enticed by food and the presence of decoy birds. Once the target pigeons have been trapped, the birds are then released miles away from their original location.But according to pigeon control experts, this is an exercise in futility, considering that these birds have a remarkable homing instinct. Even when pigeons are brought miles away from their place of origin, they can easily find their way back to their original location. This has led some people to kill the birds after trapping. Another problem with this solution is that it has an all-or-nothing nature. In order to be truly effective, the whole population needs to be captured. Otherwise, the remaining pigeons can simply breed to fill in the gap left by the captured pigeons. In a span of two years, five mating pairs can easily produce 400 more pigeons.

What about bird spikes?

Bird deterrent spikes are another popular control measure that are often used against feral pigeons. These may be fabricated out of plastic or metal.

One of the problems associated with bird spikes is the spacing. Sometimes, smaller birds like starlings, or even pigeons themselves, can pass through these spikes and roost undeterred.

Apart from that, feathers, droppings, and nesting materials can accumulate on the spikes.

Finally, when bird spikes are not installed properly, these can be dangerous or simply be ineffective. If the pigeons avoid the areas where these spikes are installed, they will simply move to an adjacent area, never really solving the long-term problem.

A better approach to pigeon control

The truth is that there is no single best solution against feral pigeons. Several factors need to be considered, including the breeding habits of these birds, site characteristics, and your objectives. OvoControl, "birth control" for birds, has become a leading alternative for pest control companies, facility managers and those looking to create a pigeon control solution that eliminates the problem long-term.

How OvoControl works

OvoControl's patented technology was developed in collaboration with USDA/APHIS. The humane technology interferes with the hatchability of eggs. The product is fed to birds during the reproductive season. Visit our website to learn more about how our products support traditional pigeon control.