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OvoControl® Pigeon Control Program

OvoControl stands out as The Humane Society’s #1 choice for pigeon control, endorsed for its effectiveness and safety. If attempts to physically remove the pigeons and prevent feeding have failed, OvoControl emerges as the most effective, safe, and humane solution.

Want less pigeons? The OvoControl pigeon control program is the most effective and humane solution to resolve a pigeon problem. Due to their remarkable breeding capabilities, pigeons can represent a particularly challenging pest. The key to solving a chronic pigeon problem is to interrupt the constant breeding and repopulation of the flock with “birth control” for the birds.

The OvoControl pigeon control program is ideal for larger industrial facilities and other places where physical exclusion is impractical or cost prohibitive. With an OvoControl program, the pigeon population will decline at a rate of 50%, annually, with an ending population of just 5-10% of the starting point.

OvoControl and Humane Society badge

Why Should You Care About Pigeons?

the problem is there is no such
thing as one pigeon”

How Does OvoControl® P Work?

get rid of pigeons photo

Where are the best places to use OvoControl® P?

What people say about OvoControl®


Effectively manage pigeons with an OvoControl® Urban Feeder. Perfect for public spaces, it seamlessly blends in with a protective cage and feeding mechanism.

How to Start an OvoControl Pigeon Control Program

Starting an OvoControl program is easy. The process can be described in a few simple steps:

  1. Begin the pigeon control program with an automatic wildlife feeder available through Innolytics or leading outdoor sports retailers. Ideally, install the feeder on a flat rooftop and load with pre-bait, cracked corn.
  2. Trigger the feeder once a day, ideally at daybreak and condition the birds to the pre-bait. Feed at a rate of 1lb/80 birds/day. Conditioning is complete when the birds arrive in the morning before the feeder triggers.
  3. Gradually transition the birds from pre-bait to OvoControl by mixing some OvoControl with the pre-bait. The application metric is 1lb of OvoControl per 80 birds. Gradually replace the pre-bait with OvoControl.

For a complete guide see the EPA label and the OvoControl User Guide.

Contact Us




Find out about OvoControl® P, what we’ve achieved by creating birth control for birds, and how it can help your facility.



Ready to take the next step? You can learn more about how we solve pigeon control problems by reading our case studies.



Read our product support documentation to learn how easy it is to begin your own pigeon birth control program.

Why is Pigeon Control so important?

Pigeons are not the actual problem – it is what they leave behind! For industrial facilities, concerns about pigeons typically fall into three categories:


When pigeon feces gets on sensitive equipment or product, it can represent an economic hardship. Furthermore, the combination of pigeon feces and urine is highly corrosive and under the right set of conditions will even corrode steel and concrete.


Pigeon feces result in slippery surfaces, a major issue for large industrial facilities that necessarily have a focus on safety.


While 60+ zoonotic diseases are associated with pigeons, the larger risk may be contamination of food or feed. In addition to vectors for bacteria (causative agents for histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis), pigeons are associated with viruses, endo and ectoparasites. The health risks should not be underestimated.